Monday, November 7, 2011

Final Draft

The Slum’s Problem
Slums are such disgusting places where every single resource is needed. A Slum is an Unsanitary City that is overpopulated not just by human beings but by Filth, these unsanitary places struggle for proper resources to live (Clean water, Proper Food, Medicine). Slums are overpopulated areas that have negative effects on the population there due to sanitation, lack of resources, and Lack of support from the Government. Slums' sanitation is not really the best around.
Slums have a very horrible Sanitation problem where they have to live around filth which could lead to diseases which they can't cure at time. “Sanitation systems are nearly absent" Sanitation cannot be found in the slums since they are absent and can't be found. The Quote shows how Sanitation systems cannot be found in the slums and they appear to be absent of the area due to the people in the slums living in filth. Resources are scarce in Slums leading to misfortune to the humans who inhabit the area.
 In Slums resources are very scarce; they lack many resources such as, Medication, Clean Water, Sanitary Food, and Money. "Human waste leaches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat. It carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly". The Resources they have are not the best which can lead to illnesses. The Quote explains why Resources, that are clean, are very Scarce in the slums and why they can lead to various Diseases that could be deadly to a human. Now explaining how the government has affect toward the slums.
The Government does not take proper care of the slums; they treat them as if they were not there which leads the slums to not receiving any help from the government such as getting resources sent to them. "The Slums are like self-contained cities but they operate with little official recognition or assistance". Slums are their own country, but are not recognized as anything, but they are still ruled by the government of another country. This Quote explains how the slums are taking care of themselves as if they had no government to take care of them to begin with. This concludes how Slums lack the support needed from the government, now in conclusion.
That Concludes My Defending Points toward what problems Slums may have. Slums are overpopulated areas that have negative effects on the population there due to sanitation, lack of resources, and Lack of support from the Government. Sanitation can bring problems to the Humans in Slums due to nothing being clean attracting infections, Lacking Resources in slums, could be the fact that they have no sanitary food or clean water which could give the body infections, No Government support, Makes the slums self-ruled and having no help at all from the government, such as receiving resources to help. The Only question left to answer is what can be done to help.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Rough Draft

The Populated area that is Surrounded in Filth, Slums, such a disgusting place to live. Slums are Unsanitary City that is overpopulated not just by human beings but by Filth, these unsanitary places struggle for proper resources to live (Clean water, Proper Food, Medicine). Slums are Overpopulated areas that have negative effects on the population there due to sanitation, lack of resources, and Lack of support from the Government. Slums' sanitation is not really the best around.
 Slums have a very horrible Sanitation problem where they have to live around filth which could lead to diseases which they can't cure at time.
"Sanitation systems are nearly absent" Sanitation cannot be found in the slums since they are absent and can't be found.The Quote shows how Sanitation systems cannot be found in the slums and they appear to be absent of the area due to the people in the slums living in filth. Resources are scarce in Slums leading to misfortune to the humans who in habit the area.

 In Slums resources are very scarce, they lack many resources such as, Medication, Clean Water, Sanitary Food, and Money. "Human waste leaches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat. It carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly". the Resources they have are not the best which can lead to illnesses.The Quote explains why Resources, that are clean, are very Scarce in the slums and why they can lead to various Diseases that could be deadly to a human. Now explaining how the government has affect toward the slums.

The Government does not take proper care of the slums, they treat them as if they were not there which leads the slums to not receiving any help from the government such as getting resources sent to them. "The Slums are like self-contained cities but they operate with little official recognition or assistance". Slums are there own country, but is not recognized as anything, but they are still ruled by the government of another country. This Quote explains how the slums are taking care of themselves as if they had no government to take care of them to begin with. This Concludes how Slums lack the support needed from the government, now in conclusion.

 That Concludes My Defending Points toward what problems Slums may have.
Slums are Overpopulated areas that have negative effects on the population there due to sanitation, lack of resources, and Lack of support from the Government.
Sanitation can bring problems to the Humans in Slums due to nothing being clean attracting infections, Lacking Resources in slums, could be the fact that they have no sanitary food or clean water which could give the body infections, No Government support makes the slums self-ruled and having no help at all from the government, such as receiving resources to help.
The Only question left to answer is what can be done to help.

Blythe, Nils. Business correspondent, BBC News, Mumbai, India. Tuesday, 
             February 26, 2008. September 29, 2011.

Eaves, Elizabeth. Two Billion Slum Dwelers. November 6, 2006. September 29, 2011.

Fink, Sheri. Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums (Kenya). Public Radio International:
           TheWorld. December 18, 2006. September 29, 2011

World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. 2011.September 29, 2011.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Introductory Paragraph

The Populated area that is Surrounded in Filth, Slums, such a disgusting place to live.
Slums are Unsanitary City that is overpopulated not just by human beings but by Filth, these unsanitary places struggle for proper resources to live (Clean water, Proper Food, Medicine)
Slums are Overpopulated areas that have negative effects on the population there due to sanitation, lack of resources, and Lack of support from the Government
A Slums' sanitation is not really the best around

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Slums are Overpopulated areas that have negative effects on the population there due to sanitation, lack of resources, and Lack of support from the Government

Sunday, October 16, 2011


1. Introduction
A.The Populated area that is Surrounded in Filth, Slums, such a disgusting place to live
B.Slums are Unsanitary City that is overpopulated not just by human beings but by Filth, these unsanitary places struggle for proper resources to live (Clean water, Proper Food, Medicine)
C.Slums are Overpopulated areas that have negative effects on the population there due to sanitation, lack of resources, and Lack of support from the Government
D. Slums' sanitation is not really the best around

2. Defendable point #1
A. Slums have a very horrible Sanitation problem where they have to live around filth which could lead to diseases which they can't cure at time
i."Sanitation systems are nearly absent"
ii. Sanitation cannot be found in the slums since they are absent and can't be found
C.The Quote shows how Sanitation systems cannot be found in the slums and they appear to be absent of the area due to the people in the slums living in filth
D.Resources are scarce in Slums leading to misfortune to the humans who in habit the area

3.Defendable point #2
A. In Slums resources are very scarce, they lack many resources such as, Medication, Clean Water, Sanitary Food, and Money
i."Human waste leaches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat. It carries typhod and other diseases that can be deadly"
ii. the Resources they have are not the best which can lead to illnesses
C.The Quote explains why Resources, that are clean, are very Scarce in the slums and why they can lead to various Diseases that could be deadly to a human
D. Now explaining how the government has affect toward the slums

4.Defendable point #3
A. The Government does not take proper care of the slums, they treat them as if they were not there which leads the slums to not receiving any help from the government such as getting resources sent to them
i."The Slums are like self-contained cities but they operate with little official recognition or assistance"
ii. Slums are there own country, but is not recognized as anything, but they are still ruled by the government of another country
C.This Quote explains how the slums are taking care of themselves as if they had no government to take care of them to begin with
D. This Concludes how Slums lack the support needed from the government, now in conclusion

5. Conclusion
A.That Concludes My Defending Points toward what problems Slums may have
B.Slums are Overpopulated areas that have negative effects on the population there due to sanitation, lack of resources, and Lack of support from the Government
C.Sanitation can bring problems to the Humans in Slums due to nothing being clean attracting infections, Lacking Resources in slums, could be the fact that they have no sanitary food or clean water which could give the body infections, No Government support makes the slums self-ruled and having no help at all from the government, such as receiving resources to help
D.The Only question left to answer is what can be done to help.